In the game's, in areas with treasure chests sometimes have writings on the wall which are different than the ones in the game's starting area. Here you can find the meaning of these panels and read the thoughts of our dear poet/cleric/script and his social commentary on the world of Phantom Abyss.
For some panels, we aren't sure what the meaning is yet and they are marked as Tentative or Not yet translated.
If you would like to help translating the texts or think we have something wrong (we probably do!), please come join the conversation on the discord in the #ancient-language
channel! We’d love to hear your voice
Panel Number | Writing | Literal Translation | Interpretation |
#ĆDē?ĕ) #Ćīē?ĕ$- Ò#Ćħē?ĕG ùÙäƊĬ¸ | metal and light is create to shine metal and stone is create to fire smallest but metal and life is create to death 1 of history [poet broken] | Metal and light make a glint
Metal and stone make a spark
But metal and life makes death
First inscription of The Broken Poet Tentative |
BúĆ|Ĕ?ĕjT BúĆ{Ĕ?ĕ¡ gúĆ|Ė{Ĕhĕ+T úÙäƊĬ¸ | person two and love will create to child many person two and anger will create to violence god two and love or anger will ruin to city many 2 of history [poet broken] | Two people and love will make many children Two people and anger will make violence Two gods and either love or anger will ruin many kingdoms Second inscription of The Broken Poet |
AĖIĖJēėĕH# ÛĖðĖĪēėĕHī Ñc=ēėĕH¶Á³ ûÙäƊĬ¸ | sword or spike or moving wall is equal to trap metal boulder or roller or trap door is equal to trap stone and beauty most is equal to trap body / phantom 3 of history [poet broken] | Blades or spikes or crushers are metal traps Boulders or rollers or trap doors are stone traps However, extreme beauty is a trap for the body and soul Third inscription of The Broken Poet |
ZĜOĕMĖN ZĜOĕ^Ė_ ÒZĜO·ēğĕU üÙäƊĬ¸ | you can decide to left or right you can decide to up or down but you can decide never will reverse to time 4 of history [poet broken] | You can choose left or right You can choose up or down But you can never choose to turn back time Fourth inscription of The Broken Poet |
PSēėĕQÑQSēėĕR RSēėĕįÒRTēėĕ+ +=ē?ĕwĆß ýÙäƊĬ¸ | room some is equal to floor and floor some is equal to building building some is equal to town but building many is equal to city city most is create to poor and disharmony 5 of history [poet broken] | Some rooms are a floor, some floors are a building Some buildings are a city, but many buildings are a kingdom The greatest kingdoms produce poverty and chaos Fifth inscription of The Broken Poet |
ùĆúēćĕû $Ć@ĔćĕC ÐĆpĝćĕf³Z þÙäƊĬ¸ | 1 and 2 is become to 3 fire and plant will become to ash envy and desire can become to chasm phantom you 6 of history [poet broken] | One and two become three Fire and plants become ash Envy and desire can become a chasm in your soul Sixth inscription of The Broken Poet |
úæýēėĕ¨Ùýø þæúýēėĕSÙýø úþæüāēėĕTÙýø ÒùæÚĔćUĕø ÿÙäƊĬ¸ | 2 grow 5 is equal to few of 5 0 6 grow 2 5 is equal to some of 5 0 2 6 grow 4 9 is equal to many of 5 0 but 1 grow all will become time to 0 7 of history [poet broken] | From 2 to 5 is far from fifty
From 6 to 25 is closer to fifty
From 26 to 49 as almost to fifty
But from 1 to infinity in time becomes 0.
Seventh inscription of The Broken Poet Tentative |
BÚēFÑBÚĔG ĀÙäƊĬ¸ | person all is birth and people all will death 8 of history [poet broken] | All people are born, all people die
Eighth inscription of The Broken Poet Tentative |
úēė<ĕùÑùēė,ĕú =ēė<ĕ<Ñ-ēė,ĕ, Ļēė<ĕ,ÑĻēė,ĕ< ³=ēėĕĻ āÙäƊĬ¸ | 2 is equal more to 1 and 1 is equal less to 2 most is equal more to more and least is equal less to less average is equal more to less and average is equal less to more phantom most is equal to average 9 of history [poet broken] | Two is more than one, one is less than two
The most is more than "more", the least is less than "less"
Average is more than "less", less than "more"
Most souls are average
Ninth inscription of The Broken Poet Tentative |
'ēėĕB^= ÑÄēėĕB_T 'ē`ĕÄT '¢ē`qÁÅ ùøÙäƊĬ¸ | king is equal to person up most and citizen is equal to people low many king is ruler to citizen many king wise is ruler generous / strong 1 0 of history [poet broken] | The king is the most elevated person And the citizens are many lesser people The king rules over many citizens A wise king rules generously and with strength 10th inscription of The Broken Poet |
B]ē/ĕAø Bcē/ĕ¸¶ø Bkē/ĕ¸³ø øĜėĕs ùùÙäƊĬ¸ | person peace is possess to sword 0 person beauty is possess to broken body 0 person happiness is possess to broken soul 0 0 can equal to blessing 1 1 of history [poet broken] | A peaceful person has no weapon A beautiful person has no bodily flaws A happy person has no spiritual flaws Nothingness can be a blessing 11th inscription of The Broken Poet |
BqēuBwĕ[S BvēuBwĕ[ø Bvē/ĕ³w ùúÙäƊĬ¸ | person generous is give coin to person poor person selfish is give coin not to person poor person selfish is possess to phantom poor 1 2 of history [poet broken] | A generous person gives money to the poor A selfish person does not give money to the poor A selfish person has a poor soul 12th inscription of The Broken Poet |
DĆEēėĕi 'Ć(ēėĕi $Ćdēėĕi ƜĆƝēėĕi iÚĒF´ĕľ ùûÙäƊĬ¸ | light and dark is equal to opposite king and queen is equal to opposite fire and water is equal to opposite opposite all was birth in to void 1 3 of history [poet broken] | Light and dark are opposites Man and woman are opposites Fire and water are opposited good and bad are opposites All opposites were born in the void 13th inscription of The Broken Poet |
µēė.ĕ´ Eēė.ĕD Gēė.ĕF BtĜ/ĕ.T ùüÙäƊĬ¸ | out is equal not to in dark is equal not to light death is equal not to birth person curse could possess to not many 1 4 of history [poet broken] | Out is not in Dark is not light Death is not life A punished person can have many negatives 14th inscription of The Broken Poet |
¡ēėĕ]. }ēėĕ|. yēėĕk. ßēėĕª. rēėĕ². ..Ĝėĩ.ĕė ùýÙäƊĬ¸ | violence is equal to peace not indifference is equal to love not sadness is equal to happiness not disharmony is equal to harmony not oppression is equal to release not not not could equal good not to equal 1 5 of history [poet broken] | Violence is anti-peace
Indifference is anti-love
Sadness is anti-happiness
Chaos is anti-order
Oppression is anti-freedom
Two wrongs do not make a right
15th inscription of The Broken Poet Tentative |
·ēė.ĕVĖWĖX ôĝė·ĕ² ùþÙäƊĬ¸ | never is equal not to past or present or future I can possess never to release 1 6 of history [poet broken] | "Never" is not the past, present, or future I can never have freedom 16th inscription of The Broken Poet |
B¾ēpĕ[Ú Bbē/ĕ[T Bwē°ĕ[¨ Bvēuĕ[ø ùÿÙäƊĬ¸ | person greedy is desire to coin all person rich is possess to coin many person poor is receive to coin few person selfish is give to coin 0 1 7 of history [poet broken] | A greedy person wants all the money A rich person has a lot of money A poor person receives little money A selfish person gives no money 17th inscription of The Broken Poet |
zēėĕy= âēėĕ{= Þēėĕk= zĆâĆÞēėÚƌĕFn ùĀÙäƊĬ¸ | sorrow is equal to sadness most rage is equal to anger most ecstasy is equal to happiness most sorrow and rage and ecstasy is equal all of to birth cross 1 8 of history [poet broken] | Sorrow is the greatest sadness Rage is the greatest anger Ecstasy is the greatest happiness Sorrow, rage, and ecstasy all parts of the passage of life 18th inscription of The Broken Poet |
İēėVĕ- ÕēėXĕ= ľēėĕøÚ ľĒėVĕİÑľĔėXĕÕ ùāÙäƊĬ¸ | beginning is equal to past least end is equal to future most void is equal to 0 all void was equal past to beginning and will equal future to end 1 9 of history [poet broken] | The beginning was the furthest in the past The end is the furthest in the future The void is complete emptiness The void was in the past the beginning, and will be in the future the end 19th inscription of The Broken Poet |
jē©ĕBÑBē©ĕg ÒgĔ©· úøÙäƊĬ¸ | child is worship to person and person is worship to god but god will worship never 2 0 of history [poet broken] | A child worships an adult, and an adult worships a god But a god will never worship 20th inscription of The Broken Poet |
jY¨ēėĕ¦ j¦ē/ĕ£ BYTēėĕ§ B§ē/ĕ¢ ¦æ§ēėĕnYZÚ úùÙäƊĬ¸ | child year few is equal to young child young is possess to naivety person years many is equal to old person old is possess to wisdom young grow old is equal to path year all you 2 1 of history [poet broken] | A child of few years is young A young child is naive A person of many years is old An old person is wise From youth to old age is the passage of all your years 21st inscription of The Broken Poet |
BFēėĕ¶lĆ³´ BGēėĕ¶mĆ³µ ôēOWĕF úúÙäƊĬ¸ | person birth is equal to body move and phantom in person death is equal to body still and phantom out I is (am) decide present to birth 2 2 of history [poet broken] | A living person is when the body is animate and a soul is inside A dead person is when the body is still and the soul is outside I currently chooses life 22nd inscription of The Broken Poet |
ØēėēOĕÕ ÜēėēØĕ² ÝēėēÜYT «ĔÝUÚĕ³T úûÙäƊĬ¸ | stop is equal will end past end detain is equal will release stop capture is equal will detain year many temple will capture all time to phantom many 2 3 of history [poet broken] | To stop is to choose to end
To detain is to stop freedom
To imprison is to detain for many years
A temple will imprison many phantoms for all time
23rd inscription of The Broken Poet Tentative |
@æē°ĕũĆdĆuż jæē°ĕã²Ćħĩ úüÙäƊĬ¸ | plant grow is require to light and water child grow is require to crawl release and heart good 2 4 of history [poet broken] | A growing plant requires sun, water, and to recieve soil A growing child requires the freedom to crawl and a true heart 24th inscription of The Broken Poet |
BēÃAēŒ BēÃcēå BēÃxēà BēpÍēÔ ÒÔĜėĕHÑgēÃÍēå±T úýÙäƊĬ¸ | person is gather sword will kill person is gather beauty will attract person is gather confidence will survive person is desire relic will immortality but immortality can equal to trap and god is gather relic will attract sacrifice many 2 5 of history [poet broken] | A person uses blades to kill A person uses beauty to attract A person uses confidence to survive A person wants the relic to be immortal But immortality can be a trap; The god is gathering relics to attract many sacrifices 25th inscription of The Broken Poet |
Zijγ´ĕqÁxÁ|Á¢ ZijϳµĕrÁ}ÁâÁz úþÙäƊĬ¸ | you should place into spirit to generosity / confidence / happiness / wisdom you should remove out spirit to oppression / indifference / rage / sorrow 2 6 of history [poet broken] | You should place in your soul generosity, confidence, love, and wisdom You should remove from your soul oppression, apathy, rage, and sorrow 26th inscription of The Broken Poet |
VĒėÑWēėÑXĔė úÿÙäƊĬ¸ | past was equal and present is equal and future will equal 2 7 of history [poet broken] | The past was, the present is, and the future will be 27th inscription of The Broken Poet |
[ēåĕBpb cēåĕBp| ßēåĕBø úĀÙäƊĬ¸ | coin is attract to person desire wealth beauty is attract to person desire love disharmony is attract to person 0 2 8 of history [poet broken] | Money attracts those who want wealth Beauty attracts those who want love Chaos attracts no one 28th inscription of The Broken Poet |
¹ēėĕ¶^= ÑÉēėĕ¶_= ËēėĕȹÑÊēėĕÈÉ ÒB~ĔÈĕÊ¹Æ úāÙäƊĬ¸ | head is equal to body up most and foot is equal to body low most hat is equal to head cover and shoe is equal to foot cover but person crazy will cover to shoe on head 2 9 of history [poet broken] | Head is the highest part of the body And foot is the lowest part of the body A hat is a head covering, a shoe is a foot covering But a crazy man will wear the shoe on his head 29th inscription of The Broken Poet |
j¦ē¿ĕE B§ē¿ĕG Ò¿ÚēnUĕö ûøÙäƊĬ¸ | child young is fear to dark person old is fear to death but fear all is path time to shrink 3 0 of history [poet broken] | A young child fears the dark An old man fears death But all fear fades in time 30th inscription of The Broken Poet |
¤ēėĕjÙj ¥ēėĕjÙ¤ ×ēėĕjĖ¤Ė¥ UĒÏĕ×ÚÙô ÑUĔÏĕ×ÚÙÚ ûùÙäƊĬ¸ | grandchild is equal to child of child great grandchild is equal to child of grandchild descendant is equal to child or grandchild or great grandchild time was remove to descendant all of I and time will remove to descendant all of all 3 1 of history [poet broken] | Grandchild is the child of your child Great grandchild is the child of your grandchild Descendents are children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren Time removed all descendents from awareness And time will remove all descendents from everything 31st inscription of The Broken Poet |
«ēėĕR© ±ēėĕO³² HĆBOēėĕ± ôĝOē±XäÚÕ ûúÙäƊĬ¸ | temple is equal to building worship sacrifice is equal to decide phantom release trap and person decide is equal to sacrifice I will decide will sacrifice to future history all 3 2 of history [poet broken] | A temple is a building of worship Sacrifice is choosing to release a phantom Trap and a person's choice is a sacrifice I will be able to choose to sacrifice the future of all history 32nd inscription of The Broken Poet |
B~ē´HĔG ÒBxē´Hĝnĕƍ ûûÙäƊĬ¸ | person crazy is into trap will die but person confident is into trap can path to empty 3 3 of history [poet broken] | A crazy person jumps in trap to die But a confident person jumps in a trap and can find a path to safety 33rd inscription of The Broken Poet |
ÔēėēG· BTēpĕÔ Òôēpĕ§ĆGèø ûüÙäƊĬ¸ | immortality is equal to die never person many is desire to immortality but I is desire to old and death suffering 0 3 4 of history [poet broken] | Immortality is to never die Many people want immortality But the mind wants wisdom and a painless death 34th inscription of The Broken Poet |
eēėĕdT "ēėĕI@ fēėĕº_T ¼ē¿.ēnĕeĆ"Ćf ûýÙäƊĬ¸ | sea is equal to water many thorn is equal to spike plant chasm is equal to pit low many explorer is path fear not to sea and chasm and thorn 3 5 of history [poet broken] | An ocean is a lot of water Thorns are the spikes of plants Chasms are very deep pits An explorer doesn't fear to cross oceans, thorns or chasms 35th inscription of The Broken Poet |
½ēėĕ¬ß ¯ēėĕ¬ç Zij½¨Ć¯· ûþÙäƊĬ¸ | beg is equal to request disharmony demand is equal to request force you should beg few and demand never 3 6 of history [poet broken] | To beg is to request chaotically To demand is to request forcefully You should beg rarely and never demand 36th inscription of The Broken Poet |
ęēėēuĕ¢ ęƜēėb<ĕ[ ęƝēėb,ĕ[ ZijO¢ĕęĖ[ ûÿÙäƊĬ¸ | answer is equal will give to wisdom you is give answer will low coin to 0 3 7 of history [poet broken] | To answer is to give wisdom To answer well is more valuable than money To answer poorly is less valuable than money You should choose wisely, answers or money 37th inscription of The Broken Poet |
ÖēėēOēõ. hēėĕ¸Ú ZĜÖĕhÒZĜÖ.ĕy ûĀÙäƊĬ¸ | ignore is equal will decide to see not ruin is equal to broken all you can ignore to ruin but you will ignore not to sadness 3 8 of history [poet broken] | To ignore is to chose to not see Ruin is when everything is destroyed You can ignore ruin, but you cannot ignore sadness 38th inscription of The Broken Poet |
B¢ēugĕ[ gkēuBqĕs Ĵg}ēuBĕø Ĵg{ēuBvĕt ûāÙäƊĬ¸ | person wise is give coin to god god happiness is give blessing to person generous or god indifferent is give 0 to person or god hate is give curse to person selfish 3 9 of history [poet broken] | A wise person gives money to the gods A happy god blesses the generous Either an indifferent god gives nothing to people Or an angry god punishes the selfish 39th inscription of The Broken Poet |
áēėĕ×à§=Ù' BÐSēpē` Ò'ē`WÑáĔ`'X ÐSĝ?·ĕk üøÙäƊĬ¸ | heir is equal to descendant survive old most of king person envy some is desire will rule but king is ruler to present and heir will ruler to future king envy some can become never to happiness 4 0 of history [poet broken] | The heir is the oldest surviving descendent of the king Some envious people want to rule But the king rules the present, and the heir will rule the future as king Having envy can never lead to happiness 40th inscription of The Broken Poet |
ÄÅēOĕr ÒÄùÙýøĜ/ĕÅ üùÙäƊĬ¸ | citizen strong is decide to oppress but 1 of 5 0 citizen can possess to strong 4 1 of history [poet broken] | Strong citizens choose to oppress But only one out of 50 citizens can be strong 41st inscription of The Broken Poet |
ÍēėĕÌöĆ³T´ ÓēėĕËÙ' ĚWIJćĕuX ĚÍĖĚÓĝėĕH üúÙäƊĬ¸ | relic is equal to ? shrink crown is equal to hat of king promise present is equal should give future promise relic or promise crown could equal to trap 4 2 of history [poet broken] | A relic is an atrophied (?) an inside many souls A crown is the hat of a king A promise today should become a gift of the future The promise of a relic or a crown could be a trap 42nd inscription of The Broken Poet |
rēėēÿē` çēėēáē` èēėēá=>Œ. '÷ē`rÁçÁè üûÙäƊĬ¸ | oppress is equal to ruler fear force is equal to oppress violence suffer is equal to violence but survive king oppress is ruler force / suffer 4 3 of history [poet broken] | Oppression is to use fear to rule
Force is to use pain to rule
torture is to use extreme pain but not kill
An oppressive king rules oppression, force, and torture
43rd inscription of The Broken Poet Tentative |
Pƍē/ĕHø PHē/ĕHT àēėēnFĕPH FæGē/ĕPHT üüÙäƊĬ¸ | room empty is possess to trap 0 room trap is possess to trap many survive is equal will path birth to room trap birth grow death is possess to room trap many 4 4 of history [poet broken] | A safe room has no traps A trap room has many traps Survival is to pass through a trap room alive From birth to death there are many trap rooms 44th inscription of The Broken Poet |
ãēėĕlÙj¦ ZIJãİ»ZĜÈXĕÊ üýÙäƊĬ¸ | crawl is equal to movement of child young you should crawl start will remove shoes 4 5 of history [poet broken] | Crawling is the movement of a young child You should first crawl in order to wear shoes in the future 45th inscription of The Broken Poet |
æēėē?ĕ< öēėēæ.Ćm. ZIJæWÑZIJö· üþÙäƊĬ¸ | grow is equal will become to more shrink is equal will grow not and stay not you should grow present and you should shrink never 4 6 of history [poet broken] | Growing is to create more Atrophying is not growing and not remaining the same You should grow now and never atrophy 46th inscription of The Broken Poet |
ŋēėēÃęēƍ ŌēėēÃęēH ĨĝuZĕŌ,Ćŋ< üÿÙäƊĬ¸ | warn is equal to tell trap deceive is equal to trap tell prediction can give you to deceive less and warn more 4 7 of history [poet broken] | To warn is to use information to protect To deceive is to uses information to trap A prediction can offer you less deceptions and more warnings 47th inscription of The Broken Poet |
ķēĶĕ[, ĸēĶĕ[Ļ ĹēĶĕ[< ÑŎēĶĕB~¾T üĀÙäƊĬ¸ | small chest is contains to coin less medium chest is contains to coin same large chest is contains to coin most and earth is contains to crazy greed many 4 8 of history [poet broken] | A small chest contains few coins
A medium chest contains an average amount of coins
A large chest contains a lot of coins
And the earth contains many crazy greedy people
48th inscription of The Broken Poet Tentative |
ŎēėēĽĕ+Ú ĿēėēĽĕ³_Ú ōēėēĽĕ³^Ú ÒĿĖōĝĽĕ³ô üāÙäƊĬ¸ | earth is equal home of to cities all hell is equal home fall of to phantom low all heaven is equal home ascend of to phantom high all but phantom I could hell or heaven 4 9 of history [poet broken] | Earth is where all civilizations reside Hell is where all fallen souls reside Heaven is where all ascended should reside But Hell or Heaven coud be where my sould resides 49th inscription of The Broken Poet |
ŀēõĕĨĆĩ Łē?ĕRĆį łēŒĕŏĆB ĬēÎä´ĕ³ ýøÙäƊĬ¸ | seer is watch to predict and truth architect is create to building and town warrior is kill to animal and person poet is place in history to phantom 5 0 of history [poet broken] | An oracle sees predictions and the truth An architect builds buildings and cities A Warrior kills animals and people A poet puts his soul into writing 50th inscription of The Broken Poet |
ŕĆŔēėĕi ZIJÃŕēäĆƷĆ© ZIJÃŔēĢĆAĆư ŕēė<ÔĕŔ ýùÙäƊĬ¸ | good and bad is equal to opposite good is gather to meet bad is gather to kill good is equal more divine to bad 5 1 of history [poet broken] | Good and bad temperment are opposites
You should good good temperment to write, work, and worship
Youd should uses bad temperament gather whips, baldes and shields
Good will always be better than bad temperment
51st inscription of The Broken Poet Tentative |
ÄTēėĕŗ ÄSēėĕŘ ŁĆłēėĕř ĬĆŀēėĕŚ 'Ć(ēėĕś ýúÙäƊĬ¸ | citizen many is equal to common citizen some is equal to uncommon architect and warrior is equal to rare poet and seer is equal to epic king and queen is equal to legendary 5 2 of history [poet broken] | Many citizens are low tier Some citizens are mid-low tier Architects and hunters are middle tier Poets and oracles are mid-high tier King and queens are high tier 52nd inscription of The Broken Poet |
Ŧēėĕ@k«Ş ôēėĕĬz«Ş ôēpòôĒėĕŦ ýûÙäƊĬ¸ | vine is equal to plant happy wall temple I is equal to poet sorrow wall temple I is desire to I was equal to vine 5 3 of history [poet broken] | Vines are happy plants on the temple wall I am a sorrowful poet on the temple wall I wants to be a vine 53rd inscription of The Broken Poet |
¼ē°àĕĢĆAĆư ÒĬē°àĕø>f³ ýüÙäƊĬ¸ | plant is require to sun and water and give brown will grow poet is require to 0 but phantom chasm will grow 5 4 of history [poet broken] | An explorer continually requires a whip, blade and shield But a poet continually requires nothing but a hole in their soul 54th inscription of The Broken Poet |
ŨēėēĽĕũĆŪĆū ũēuĕDĆŰ ŪĆūēuĕEĆű ŬēėĕūƑ ŭĜ*ĕŨ ýýÙäƊĬ¸ | sky is equal home of to sun and moon and stars sun is give to light and warmth moon and stars is give to dark and cold meteor is equal to star fly cloud can shade to sky 5 5 of history [poet broken] | The sky is the home of the sun, moon, and stars The sun provides light and heat The moon and stars provide darkness and cold A shooting star is a star that flies Clouds can shade the sky 55th inscription of The Broken Poet |
īĔl_d´ dĔl_ŧ´ ŧĔl_· ýþÙäƊĬ¸ | stone into water will move low water into air will move low air will move low never 5 6 of history [poet broken] | a stone will move down in water
Water will move down in air
Air will never move down
56th inscription of The Broken Poet Tentative |
#ŰĆdűĒ?ĕA ÒŔŰĆħűĔÃĕA ýÿÙäƊĬ¸ | metal warmth and water cold was create to sword but bad warmth and life cold will gather to sword 5 7 of history [poet broken] | Hot metal and cold water created a blade
But a hot temper and a cold soul will use that blade
57th inscription of The Broken Poet Tentative |
ŻjûēėĕŵĆŶĆŷ ŵēėŻĕħĆƚ ŶēėŻĕũĆĹ ŷēėŻĕeĆ³ Ż¤ûēėĕŸĆŹĆź ŸēėŻĕ$Ćů ŹēėŻĕ@Ćƙ źēėŻĕĠnĆè Ż¥ÚēėĕżÑżēėŻĕBÚ ýĀÙäƊĬ¸ | color child three is equal to red and yellow and blue red is equal color to life and devouring rage yellow is equal color to sun and large chests blue is equal color to sea and phantom color grandchild three is equal to orange and green and purple orange is equal color to fire and laser green is equal color to plant and masked defiler purple is equal color to door path and suffer color grandchild all is equal to brown and brown is equal color to person all 5 8 of history [poet broken] | The three primary colors are red, yellow, and blue
Red is the color of the heart and Devouring Rage
Yellow is the color of the sun and large chests
Blue is the color of the ocean and phantoms
The three secondary colors are orange, green, and purple
Orange is the color of fire and lazers
Green is the color of plants and the masked defiler
Purple is the color of door portals and bruises
All tertiary colors are brown and brown is the color of all people
58th inscription of the Broken Poet Tentative |
ŎſÁŽēėĕÝ ŎžŻTēėĕ² ýāÙäƊĬ¸ | earth black / white is equal to capture earth rainbow color many is equal to release 5 9 of history [poet broken] | A black and white earth is prison
A many-colored-rainbowy earth is freedom
59th inscription of the Broken Poet Tentative |
jbĖjwēėÚĕƀ Òjgēėĩĕjƀ=ÙÚ þøÙäƊĬ¸ | child wealth or child poor is equal all to luck but child god is equal good to child lucky most of all 6 0 of history [poet broken] | A wealthy child and a poor child is all up to luck But a child of a god will truly be the luckiest child of them all 60th inscription of The Broken Poet |
š_ĆŠ^ĆŞüēėĕP ÒPĆĠøĕÝ þùÙäƊĬ¸ | floor low and ceiling high and wall 4 is equal to room but room and door 0 to capture 6 1 of history [poet broken] | A floor below and a ceiling above is a room But a room with no door is a prison 61st inscription of The Broken Poet |
ŜēnĞÁğĕPú ŝēn^Á_ĕPú ŜŴĜćĕŝÑŝŴĜćĕŜ |ĜŴĕħŞ= þúÙäƊĬ¸ | hall is path move to room 2 shaft is equal path high / low to room 2 hall rotate can become to shaft and shaft rotate can become hall you should watch divine to rotate all 6 2 of history [poet broken] | A hall connects two rooms forward and back A shaft connects two rooms vertically A rotated hallway will become a shaft; a rotated shaft will become a hallway Love can turn the most petrified hearts 62nd inscription of The Broken Poet |
Ƙē/ĕůŒ ƙē/ĕŮŒ ƚē/ĕ⌠Zē/ĕø>ÉZĆĢ þûÙäƊĬ¸ | eye of agony is possess to laser kill masked defiler is possess to gas bomb kill devouring rage is possess to rage kill you will possess to 0 but feet you and whip 6 3 of history [poet broken] | The Eye of Agony has killing lazers The Masked Defiler has killing smoke bombs The Devouring Rage has killing rage You have nothing but your feet and whip 63rd inscription of The Broken Poet |
ĵřĒ/Vĕƌú ĵŚĒ/Vĕƌû ĵśĒ/Vĕƌý ĵÚē/Wĕƌù Òĵħôē/ĕƌýü þüÙäƊĬ¸ | key rare is possess to pieces 2 key epic is possess to pieces 3 key legendary is possess to pieces 4 key all is possess present to pieces 1 but key life I is possess to pieces 5 4 6 4 of history [poet broken] | An uncommon key in the past had two pieces A rare key in the past had three pieces A legendary key in the past had five pieces All keys now have one piece But the key to my heart has 54 pieces 64th inscription of The Broken Poet |
ʼnēėē*&ğĕĩ ļēėēŒĕĚ Ŏē/ĕʼn=T ĚÔēėʼnĕļ=ÙÚ þýÙäƊĬ¸ | ? is equal to good ? faith betray is equal to kill to promise earth is possess to ? most many promise divine is equal ? to betray most of all 6 5 of history [poet broken] | A secret is to hide the truth from a friend Betrayal is to kill a promise The earth has many of the greatest secrets Trusting immortality is secretly the greatest betrayal of all 65th inscription of The Broken Poet |
ĬIJėĕBäĩ ÒĬ§<ē/ĕĩ, ĩěėUÚĕ£ þþÙäƊĬ¸ | poet should equal to person history truth but poet old most is possess to truth few truth could equal time all to naive 6 6 of history [poet broken] | A poet should be a person who writes the truth But the oldest poet has few truths Truth is to be naive for all time 66th inscription of The Broken Poet |
ŏIJė,ĕB Òŏ³Sē<ĕB³T ŏÙôĒėĕłģĆŒ* ŏÙôĒ/ĕxĆÅĆÞ ôĆŏ³ÙôĔa®U- ôē|ĕZƊ(é þÿĆÕÙäƊĬ¸ | animal should equal less to person but animal phantom some is most to person phantom many I will meet again time least to animal phantom key of I I is life to you [queen ?] 6 7 of history [poet broken] | An animal should be less than a person But some animal's spirirts can improve many people's spirit My animal was a jumping warior and a stealthy killer My animal was confident, strong, and ecstatic Me and my animal's soul will meet again shortly I love you, Queen of (?) The 67th and final inscription of The Broken Poet |